Big Announcement: Salina, Here I come!

As I sat in the Global Prayer Room, this week, at the International House of Prayer, I felt as though my life could continue on this path of giving myself to hours of worship and intercession, seeking the presence of my King, for the rest of my days.  The thought of not walking into that room every morning, seemed so surreal.  It is truly a gift, but it is not the end all.  I can encounter the presence of G-d and worship Him wherever I place my feet.  I am thankful to have had this season, and I hope to come back, but, for now, it’s time to pack up my tent and follow the Cloud of G-d’s leading to a new destination.  The winds of change have been blowing, and I have been invited to step into a new season of life and growth, back home in Salina, KS.

I actually had a dream about a month ago, that I was going to go home, live with my mom, and, by doing that, I would be going to IHOP-KC (the internship I want to do).  But it made no sense to me, and I didn’t want to think about leaving, so I dismissed it.  A few weeks later…

I was journaling that morning, dreaming with Abba G-d about all the places I wanted to go and the things I wanted to do for and with Him.  That afternoon, I got a call from my mom saying a way had been made for me to do the internship with IHOP-KC, but first they wanted me to move back home for a while.  I fought it for a while, trying to figure out any way to stay in KC, and doors seemed to open almost immediately. (I made a few connections that could be helpful when I come back to Kansas City.)  That night I went to a worship service, and they sang a familiar song that became the hardest prayer of my life, in that moment:

“Put me anywhere, just put Your glory in me.  I’ll serve anywhere, just let me see Your glory.”

I cried, barely able to whisper those words, and I realized that I wanted to go anywhere except home.  In that moment, I knew that home was exactly where I was supposed to go, and after a short grieving process, I surrendered and took the hand Abba was extending to me.  I laid my desires and plans down on the altar, that night, trusting Daddy G-d that He was leading me down a good path, and that He would take care of my every need.  That song has become my anthem over the last couple weeks, as I have prepared to pack up my life and follow His leading.

Since that night, G-d has brought much joy, confidence, and courage/boldness into my life.  I am ready to step into this next season of growth and embrace all that comes my way.  After this season, in the secret place of prayer and worship, I know who my G-d is and I know who I am; I know where I came from and I know where I am going; I know I am loved-how to receive love-and I am able to give love; I am no longer held captive by fear and have learned to walk in confidence, courage, and victory; I have found my voice; I no longer despair of attaining lasting joy, it is my reality-for there is unbounded joy in Abba’s presence (Psalm 16)!; I have found my dancing feet, and feel the dancer in me wanting to be set free completely; I no longer fear being luke-warm and thrust from G-d’s presence, for my heart is ALIVE!!!  I love my Daddy G-d with every ounce of my being, and am excited for all the adventures to come!

My plan is to be in Salina until April, and then come back to Kansas City and do Intro to IHOP-KC.  In Salina, I will be working, saving money, paying off debts, spending TIME with family and friends, and getting involved in my local church.

I am resolved that this will be an amazing time full of adventure and growth (it’s all about perspective).  I am resolved not to waver in the difficult times, but to keep my eyes on Jesus.  I am resolved to let the love and joy of Jesus shine out of me, and to love and serve people with no agenda.  I recognize that there will be trials-I guarantee it-but I am resolved to keep pressing in for the joy that comes in the morning!  I am resolved not to watch my life go by from the sidelines, any longer.  I am resolved not to allow fear to keep me from going after my dreams.  I am resolved.

I will miss everyone, but I will be back, and hopefully be able to visit often enough, seeing as I will only be 3 hours away!

Oh the joy of sweet surrender!  It makes me want to sing and dance (always)!  G-d is doing SO much and I am excited for all that is to come!  Oh, and by the way, I’m moving Sunday after church! Oy!

Shalom!  Email me at for address change and prayer requests!

Much love to all!

About chosen316

I love Yeshua. He is my everything. I'm a small-town girl loving life in Kansas City. Worship, writing, spending time with friends, and cooking are among my favorite things. I'm fascinated and captivated by Beauty and I see the fingerprints of it everywhere. I desire to live a life of worship, purity, beauty, and fearless abandonment to the King of kings and L-RD of lords!
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2 Responses to Big Announcement: Salina, Here I come!

  1. Shauna Henry says:

    Welcome back to Salina! Where do you go to church?

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